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2010年10月雅思写作预测 A类小作文:数据题可能性70%,类型可能是pie chart,30%为流程图或地图题,应适当关注流程图。A类大作文以社会类和教育类为主,适当关注上*的问题,社会变化问题(科技或社会环境对人类当今生活习惯的影响,例如新的发明(网络)对人类的影响,广告对人们的影响,以及环境问题。 写作并非像听力一样容易捕捉题目,能够碰到考前准备好的题目的情况当少见。雅思考试的写作题目也在不断变化。而且就算雅思考试过关,出国求学也有大量的论文要写。建议考生从基础提高写作能力。朗阁海外考试研究中心*出版的《雅思高分范文》,《每天3小时写作》和《雅思真题还原写作》,从读懂题目、实用结构、寻找论点、起承转合、必备词汇、语法基础等几个方面介绍了A、G类雅思写作的技法,还囊括了近50道常考题目,其中包括A类的流程图和地图题。新华书店,卓越亚马孙和当当网上均有售,有需要的朋友可以选购。只要读完该书并且作一定的练习,写作可以轻松过关,并且为以后其他类型的英文写作打下坚实的基础。 Task 1 备考重点 图表作文关注饼状图和柱状图;为防止天有不测风云,同时应该准备一篇地图题。 Task 2备考重点 重点关注议论文题型(argumentation) 重点话题: 1. 教育类,全球化类, 2. 弱势群体,*和小话题(基础设施、医疗)结合类。 具体预测题目如下: Some people think the government should increase the sports facilities to solve the public health problems. However, others think that other measures should be taken to help resolve this problem. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? There are many advertisements directed at children such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information. What is your opinion? Some people think that the range of technology available to individuals makes the increasing of gaps between rich people and poor people. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Long distance flight consumes natural resources and pollutes the air. Some people think it should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Today less communication between family members than it was the past. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas. Do you think advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Some people think that governments should pay the course fees for those who want to go to universities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 1:2: