日本出国留学_美国出国留学_加拿大出国留学_英国出国留学_澳洲出国留学_法国出国留学_德国出国留学_俄罗斯出国留学_西班牙出国留学_意大利出国留学_荷兰出国留学_日本出国留学_韩国出国留学_新加坡出国留学.咨询:073185795035 ---- ---qq:1317711354---1625847631
·加州理工 California Institute of Technology
·麻省理工 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
·迈阿密牛津 Miami University-Oxford
·匹兹堡*University of Pittsburgh
·旧金山艺术 San Francisco Art Institute
·特拉华*University of Delaware
·西雅图华盛顿* University Of Washington, Seattle
·爱荷华* The University of Iowa
·德雷塞尔* Drexel University
·密苏里*哥伦比亚分校 University of Missouri Columbia
·麻省*波士顿校区 UMASS- Boston
·俄勒冈* University of Oregon
·波士顿* Boston University
·密西根州立*(Michigan State University)
·美国东北*Northeastern University
·堪萨斯州立*Kansas State University
·桥港*University of Bridgeport
·内布拉斯加州*林肯分校University of Nebraska-Lincoln
·克拉克森*Clarkson University
·田纳西*The University of Tennessee Knoxville
·爱德华王子岛* University of Prince Edward Island
·菲莎河谷* University of Fraser Valley
·温莎* University Of Windsor
·雪尔顿 Sheridan College
·卡尔顿* Carleton University
·加拿大约克*York University
·西蒙弗雷泽* Simon Fraser University
·阿尔伯塔* University of Alberta
·西安大略* The University of Western Ontario
·马尼托巴* University of Manitoba
·范莎理工 Fanshawe College
·卡尔加里* University of Calgary
·劳伦森* Laurentian University
·阿卡迪亚* Arcadia University
·女王* Queen's University
·多伦多* University of Toronto
·威灵堡学校 Wellingborough school
·萨克维尔学校 Sackville School
·布鲁克豪斯 Brooke House College
·英国贝勒比斯 Bellerbys College
·北安普顿语法学校 Northampton Grammar School
·爱克利伍德学校 Akeley Wood School
·圣安德鲁斯* University of St Andrews
·华威* the University of Warwick
·纽卡斯尔*Newcastle University
·格拉斯哥*University of Glasgow
·布里斯托*Bristol University
·谢菲尔德*The University of Sheffield
·利物浦*University of Liverpool
·格拉斯哥国际Glasgow International College
·兰卡斯特*Lancaster University
·伦敦城市*London Metropolitan University
·利兹*The University of Leeds
·杜伦*University of Durham
·拉夫堡*Loughborough University