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**拥有国内外双训练基地的篮球俱乐部:咨询热线: **拥有国内外双训练基地的篮球俱乐部(*京沪杭、美国洛杉矶) The first Chinese basketball club with training base both at home and broad (Beijing, Shanghai Hangzhou and Los Angeles) **实现京、沪、杭三地复制的青少年篮球俱乐部 The first youth basketball club developing education bases in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou **快乐篮球实践基地 The first happy basketball education club in China *青少年篮球教育* The first brand youth basketball education in China 家长信赖的青少年快乐教育机构 The happy youth educational institution with the trust of parents 为*少年提供国际菁英成长计划 Provide international elite education plan for the prosperous youth 篮球和英语的同步提高;建立培养自信、乐观、积极、坚韧的个性 With better skills in both basketball and English; developing a personality with confidence, optimistism, positive attitude and Perseverance. 一口流利的英语口语、一个阳光快乐的个性、一手漂亮的篮球技术 We help them speak fluent English, develop sunshine personality and trained with excellent basketball skills. 【国内课程】2011小飞人外教班夏季周末班已经开始报名!(请点击这里) 【国际课程】2011小飞人暑期“美国加州篮球训练营”行程安排(请点击这里) 国内课程 Domestic programs 美国加州课程 Overseas programs 外教班 foreign teacher course 加州训练班 study tour course *亲子游学 family tours 适合对象 Target 适合8岁~16岁 爱好篮球运动的中*生 (北京、上海) Junior and primary students aged 8-16 who love basketball (Beijing and Shanghai) 适合8岁~18岁 爱好篮球运动的中学生 (*地区) Junior students aged 12-18 who love basketball fans (mainland China) (注意:12岁以下儿童建议一位家长陪同前往) 适合8岁~18岁 爱好篮球运动的中*生家庭 (*地区) Basketball loving family with junior and primary students aged 8-18 (mainland China) 训练基地 Training base *北京 | *上海 Beijing Shanghai 美国加州 State of California 美国加州 State of California 课程特色 Special features 全美外籍教练教学 Classes given by American teachers 配备中英双语助教 Attended by teaching assistant speaking Chinese and English 全美式篮球训练法 Basketball couses with American training style 让孩子在乐趣中培养英语兴趣、在情境中学习英语 Children having fun in learning English and developing English ability in scenario-based couses 全程中美双语老师陪同 Attended by domestic and foreign teachers speaking Chinese and English 身临其境感受篮球文化 Feel basketball culture in USA 体验全新游学学习方式 Experience new way of learning in tour 让孩子在游学中学习成长、在异域文化中开拓眼界 Children learning and growing in study tour and broadening vision in overseas culture 父母同行,与孩子一起体验游学乐趣,感受异域文化,开拓眼界 Children and parents having fun in study tour and experiencing overseas culture with broadened vision 课程选择 秋季班 Autumn course 春季班 Spring course 暑假游学班 Summer vacation study tour 寒假游学班 Winter vacation study tour 选择一:36000元/人套餐 费用含:签证费用、往返美国的机票、食宿、旅程 选择二:个性化套餐 根据家长需求定制,另行报价 时间 9月~12月 Sep.- Dec. 2月~6月 Feb.-Jan. 7月 / 8月 Jul./Aug. 1月 / 2月 Jan. / Feb. 课次 16次课 16 courses 16次课 16 courses 14~16天 14~16ays 14~16天 14~16ays 课时 32小时 32 hours 32小时 32 hours 费用 3199元 RMB 3199 3199元 RMB 3199 36000元/人 RMB 36000 per head 36000元/人 RMB 36000 per head 1、纯美式课堂、美式教学、全英文授课方式 Classes given in English with pure American style and American education. 2、每班10人,配外教、中教独立教学团队专业指导 10 students per class, attended by both foreign and Chinese teachers to provide professional coach. 3、定期运动能力测试、身体素质测试,提供身体素质报告和营养指导 Regular exercise ability test, physical fitness test, physical capability report and nutritional guidance 4、 *首创青少年个性塑造课程:提升孩子的自信心、学会与人相处、参与团队合作、塑造阳光少年! The first club to develop courses to cultivate individuality in youth: developing sunshine youth with enhanced self-confidence, better ability to get along with others and work in teams! 5、情景式篮球英语课程:环境是语言*的老师,让孩子在训练中克服含羞的心理,告别哑巴英语,重新找到学习英语的乐趣,英语原来可以这样在不知不觉中脱口而出! Basketball scenario-based English program: a good English environment is the best way to learn English as a language. Here children could relax and become less nervous in learning English; they are encouraged to open their mouth to speak English out and rediscover the fun of learning English; they could naturally learn to think and speak in English. 填写报名表----支付学费----报名成功----开始上课 咨询热线: