



课程价格: ¥3200.00元





课程内容介绍 Course Content Introduction 通过短期的培训,就可以掌握地道的英语表达方式,让您自如地应对英语日常会话的各种情境,让您不再紧张窘迫,从此大大方方说英语。课程内容从最贴近日常生活的话题开始,比如:一觉醒来、早餐、早上个人事务、个人爱好、表到感受、谈论天气、听不懂时如何有礼貌地请对方复述、职业生涯思考、餐厅与美食、性格倾向、结交朋友、修复人际关系 … … 等等,帮助学员使用英语联想并描述日常生活的事物与事务,使用英语进入人际交往、了解他人,建立和畅谈共同话题。 Conversational English is extremely important as it is the way that English is most frequently used and the manner in which we are most likely to communicate with others. This course content therefore focuses on the most common topics in everyday life. Examples include: waking up, breakfast, morning routine, hobbies, expressing feelings, the weather, careers, food and restaurants, personal character, making friends etc. This course aims to help students use English to talk about everyday matters, to communicate with others, to understand others and be able to talk freely about a topic. 适合人群 Suitable For 口语基础比较薄弱,在开口说英语之前通常感到紧张或有长时间的停顿 Students who do not have a strong base in spoken English and are often very hesitant and nervous when speaking English. 较紧张,有很多想说,但说不出来,还没有习惯用英语进行日常交流 Students who have a lot to say but do not know how to say it and still have not got used to using English in everyday conversations. 对绝大部分的问题只是被动回答或“Yes/No”的简单回答,没有主动进行交流、建立互动或延伸话题 Students who can only give a simple “yes/no” or passive answer to most questions and do not take the initiative to carry on the conversation to create a two-way dialogue. 本课程目标 Aims of the Course 本课程旨在通过连贯的对话教学互动,帮助学员建立说英语的自信心。学员将能够扩充词汇、自如地运用新短语。尤其着重以下方面的训练: This course aims to develop the student’s confidence in speaking English through constant dialogue with their English teacher. Students should expand their vocabulary and feel comfortable to use new phrases. Specifically the course intends to: 帮助学员进入英语交流的自如状态,不再紧张,乐意多说英语 Help the student freely take part in an English conversation without being nervous and encourage the student to become more willing to speak in English. 开始习惯说完整的句子,而不是零碎的单词或短语 Enable the student to get used to speaking in full sentences, rather than in single words and phrases. 能够运用基本的句式,清楚地表达自己的意思 Allow the student to make use of basic sentence structures to clearly express their thoughts. 开班日期:随到随学 总 课 时:60课时 上课时间:9:00-20:00 培训周期:约3个月 授课老师:Ella老师 现在报名就有一趟价值300元免费体验课 免费体验课地址:#A1 报名时,请告知来自 久学网,以便赠送体验课 为什么选择e2say 简单:学习英语口语只需一部电话,好简单! E2英语口语,不需要教室,不需要课桌,只要你有一部电话,就可以开课了,甚为便捷、简单,学习英语口语成为一件随时随处都可以完成的事,只要你手上有一部电话,就可以开始口语练习。 自由:时间自由,别人还在路上,我已听讲! 学习计划可自主设定,完全根据您的作息习惯安排课程,不再受制于统一的课程表,什么时候学,自己说了算。随时听课,自在由我,别人还在路上的时候,你已经开始上课了,不仅节省了宝贵的时间,也省却了车马劳顿之苦。 省时:不用跑培训中心,节省更多时间练习口语! 和到培训中心学习相比,电话英语课程省去了来回路上的车图劳顿,极大地提高了时间的利用率;别人还在路上的时候,你已经开始上课了,不仅节省了宝贵的时间,使英语学习变得轻松自在! 有效:全职英美外教团队个,性化的教学与教材! 外教全部由来自美国或英国的母语人士组成,发音纯正、标准,耐心细致,具有丰富的教学和沟通经验。个性化的教学与教材,分阶段评估学生的进步情况,并且根据学生的特点,灵活、同步搭配最适合的教学内容,提供电话课堂的全程录音,供您回顾和复习。