

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00




课程价格: ¥3200.00元






课程内容介绍 Course Content Introduction 改进发音,好处多多:有利于同时提高听和说的能力,让听和说之间更顺利地产生共鸣。教学内容主要包括:发音练习、纠音练习、近音词辨析练习、语音语调模仿练习、关键词造句练习等等。本课程将着重帮助学员改正一些容易引起误会的错误发音,然后引导学员形成正确的语音语调。 Improving pronunciation has numerous benefits. It can help to improve speaking and listening skills and at the same time can help these two key language skills fit together. The teaching material for this course mostly contains: pronunciation practice, correction practice, practice at distinguishing similar sounds, imitation practice, practice at creating sentences with a given word and other similar tasks. The course is designed to help students to correct a few easily-made pronunciation mistakes and guide them towards using correct pronunciation. 适合人群 Suitable for: *类:年龄较小的学员,希望从小就塑造标准的英语语音语调 Young students who want to develop standard correct English pronunciation from an early age. 第二类:听力或口语基础比较薄弱,需要开始逐步地培养语音、听力、造句和会话能力的学员 Students with very basic speaking and listening skills who want to gradually develop their pronunciation, their listening skills, the ability to create sentences and the ability to engage in dialogue. 第三类:部分的发音存在容易引起误会的错误,需要纠正发音的学员 Students who have incorrect pronunciation-which may easily cause misunderstanding-and so desire help to correct their mistakes. 第四类:希望有系统地完善语音语调、力求完美的学员 Students who hope to methodically perfect their pronunciation and accent. 本课程目标 Aims of the Course 本课程旨在帮助学员改进发音,正确地说英语,获得说英语的信心。 尤其着重以下方面的训练: This course aims to perfect pronunciation and give students the confidence to speak English, knowing that they are pronouncing words correctly. Specifically the course intends to: *阶段:发音清晰,能够听懂发音标准的英语 Help the student to clearly pronounce sounds and, in turn, listen to and understand English 第二阶段:发音清晰准确,结合使用语调,能够模仿标准的英语语音 Enable the student to combine and use sounds together correctly to imitate standard English pronunciation 第三阶段:发音清晰准确,语调正确、自然,能够适应真实的英语沟通场景;能够听懂略有地方口音的英语,流利地与各地的英语使用者沟通 Direct the student in the use of clear and correct pronunciation and correct intonation so that the student has the ability to adjust to a real-life English speaking environment. Enable students to understand different English accents and communicate fluently with English speakers from different backgrounds 注Notes 本课程共三个阶段。并非每一个学员都完成三个阶段, 具体进度取决于学员的特点和课程周期。本课程可以作为一个单项课程进行学习,也可以结合会话、词汇运用等课程强化效果。 There are three phrases to the Pronunciation course. Not all students can complete all three stages; progress will depend on the individual circumstances of each student and the class schedule. The pronunciation course can stand on its own, or it can be combined with Daily Conversational English, Applied Vocabulary or other courses to increase its effectiveness. 现在报名就有一趟价值300元免费体验课 免费体验课地址:#A1 报名时,请告知来自 久学网,以便赠送体验课 为什么选择e2say 简单:学习英语口语只需一部电话,好简单! E2英语口语,不需要教室,不需要课桌,只要你有一部电话,就可以开课了,甚为便捷、简单,学习英语口语成为一件随时随处都可以完成的事,只要你手上有一部电话,就可以开始口语练习。 自由:时间自由,别人还在路上,我已听讲! 学习计划可自主设定,完全根据您的作息习惯安排课程,不再受制于统一的课程表,什么时候学,自己说了算。随时听课,自在由我,别人还在路上的时候,你已经开始上课了,不仅节省了宝贵的时间,也省却了车马劳顿之苦。 省时:不用跑培训中心,节省更多时间练习口语! 和到培训中心学习相比,电话英语课程省去了来回路上的车图劳顿,极大地提高了时间的利用率;别人还在路上的时候,你已经开始上课了,不仅节省了宝贵的时间,使英语学习变得轻松自在! 有效:全职英美外教团队个,性化的教学与教材! 外教全部由来自美国或英国的母语人士组成,发音纯正、标准,耐心细致,具有丰富的教学和沟通经验。个性化的教学与教材,分阶段评估学生的进步情况,并且根据学生的特点,灵活、同步搭配最适合的教学内容,提供电话课堂的全程录音,供您回顾和复习。