会话交际英语 | Conversational English
课程简介 Course
A dynamic six-level communicative course for adults. Designed for international communication, it helps trainees learn and use the natural language that people really speak.
我们的教学的每个章节都分为:★预备 ★导入 ★学习★巩固 ★运用5个环节,完全符合人的认知、学习和记忆途径。同时为配合教学编写并拍摄了电视短剧,通过模仿、配音以及演出这些短剧,学生对英语的应用能力将得到更全方位的提高。
Key features:
☆ Essential model conversations that make key social language unforgettable and easy to personalize
☆ Intensive vocabulary development
☆ Thorough attention to pronunciation
☆ A wide array of learning strategies and activities that promote critical thinking
☆ Authentic and refreshing content that connects students to the real world