How to identify potential business use cases where data science can provide impactful results
How to obtain, clean and combine disparate data sources to create a coherent picture for analysis
What statistical methods to leverage for data exploration that will provide critical insight into your data
Where and when to leverage Hadoop streaming and Apache Spark for data science pipelines
What machine learning technique to use for a particular data science project
How to implement and manage recommenders using Spark’s MLlib, and how to set up and evaluate data experiments
What are the pitfalls of deploying new analytics projects to production, at scale
• 了解数据科学家的工作内容、需要解决的问题以及其处理现实问题时应用的方法,以获得来自不同行业数据的业务价值。实施自动推荐系统。
• 面向具备Hadoop基础知识(HDFS、MapReduce、Hadoop Streaming、Hive)的工程师、数据分析师、统计人员。培训对象应具备熟练的脚本语言能力:Python 是*;熟悉 Perl或者Ruby即可。