

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


The concept of man versus machineis at least as old as the industrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends tobe most acutely felt during economic downturns and fragile recoveries. And yet,it would be a mistake to think we are right now simply experiencing the painfulside of a boom and bust cycle. Certain jobs have gone away for eating up humanjobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we can’timmediately foresee.

When there is exponential improvement in theprice and performance of technology, jobs that were once thought to be immunefrom automation suddenly become threatened. This argument has attracted a lotof attention, via the success of the book Race Against the Machine, byErik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, whoboth hail from MITs Center for Digital Business.

This is a powerful argument, and a scaryone. And yet, John Hagel, auther of The power of pull and other books, saysBrynjolfsson and McAfee miss the reason why these jobs are so vulnerable totechnology in the first place.

Hagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S.that tend to be“tightly scripted” and“highly standardized” ones that leave noroom for“individual initiative or creativity.” In short, these are the typesof jobs that machines can perform much better at than human beings. That is howwe have put a giant target sign on the backs of American workers, Hagel says.

It’s time to reinvent the formula for howwork is conducted, since we are still relying on a very 20th centurynotion of work, Hagel says. In our rapidly changing economy, we more than everneed people in the workplace who can take initiative and exercise theirimagination“to respond to unexpected events.” That’s not something machinesare good at. They are designed to perform very predictable activities.

As Hagel notes, Brynjolfsson and McAfeeindeed touched on this point in their book. We need to reframe race against themachine as race with the machine. In our works, we need to look at the ways inwhich machines can augment human labor rather than replace it. So then theproblem is not really about technology, but rather,“how do we innovate ourinstitutions and our work practices?”

31.According to the first paragraph, economic downturns would.

[A] easethe competition of man vs. machine

[B]highlight machines’ threat to human jobs

[C]provoke a painful technological revolution

[D]outmode our current economic structure

选B.细节题,定位在*句话The concept of man versus machine is at least as old as theindustrial revolution, but this phenomenon tends to be most acutely felt during economic downturnsand fragile recoveries.

对象是 man vs human答案一定要讲到machine与human jobs排除C D.


32. Theauthors of Race Against the Machine argue that.

[A]technology is diminishing man’s job opportunities

[B]automation is accelerating technological development

[C]certain jobs will remain intact after automation

[D] manwill finally win the race against machine

答案定位在*句:When there is exponential improvement in the price and performanceof technology, jobs that were once thought to be immune from automationsuddenly become threatened.

段落话题是工作与自动化,机器的关系排除B D.

A C方向相反,一定选工作不利的选项选A.

33. Hagelargues that jobs in the在20世纪60年代早期,Wilt Chamberlain是美国*篮球协会中仅有的身高超过7英尺的三个人之一。可是如果他参加了上个赛季的话,他就变成了42分之一了。这些年来在较大的职业体育运动中的运动员的身体状况发生了很大的改变,而他们的经理人也更愿意调整队员的运动服来适应队员们更大,更高的身材。

虽然体育界的这种趋势可能蒙蔽了一个没有被承认的现实:美国人基本上停止生长了。虽然现在人们比140年前高了2英寸,特别是那些出生在已移民美国很多代的那些人,但是明显的,在二十世纪60年代早期,已经到达了他们的身高的极限。他们已经不可能再长得更高了。“在这个基因和环境的条件下,现在整体的人们已经长到我们能够达到的范围了,”Wright州*的人类学家William Cameron Chumlea说道。拿NBA球员来说,他们身高的增加主要由于从世界各地招募到了球员。


总的说来,避免太高的身高是有很多优点的。在生产时,较大的婴儿通过产道是有更多的问题的。而且,就算人类已经直立行走已经几百万年了,我们的脚和背部继续对抗着巨大的压力,这些压力来源于双足直立的姿势和巨大的肢体。“有一些限制是个体器官的基因结构导致的。”西北*的人类学家William Leonard说道。

基因的*化可以改变,但是不要期待它会马上就能发生。Mass州的Natick的军队研究中心的高级人类学家Claire C. Gordon确信百分之九十的入伍新兵不需要更换新的制服和工作站。她说,不像那些篮球制服,军队的制服长度很长时间都没有改变了。如果你需要在不远的将来预测人类的身高而去设计一款新的设备,Gordon说基本上,“你都能够使用现在的数据并且觉得非常地自信。”在十九世纪后半叶,“资本”和“劳动”正在扩大和完善其在现代路线上的竞争对手组织。许多老公司被具有薪资管理人员官僚制的有限责任公司所取代。这种变革通过聘用大量专业人才来满足新时代的技术要求,并防止了效率的下降,这种下降通常破坏了继充满活力的创始人之后的第二代和第三代家族企业的财富。这是从个人主动行动向集体主义以及市政和国有企业迈出的一步。铁路公司尽管仍然是为股东利益管理的私人企业,但与旧家族企业却大不相同。大型市政当局开始向纳税人提供照明,电车和其他服务。有限责任公司和市政业务的增长产生了重要影响。如此巨大的,非个人的资本和产业操纵,极大地增加了作为阶级的股东的数量和重要性,这是国民生活中的一种要素,代表着不负责任的财富脱离了土地和土地所有者的职责;几乎与负责任的企业管理分离。整个19世纪,美国,非洲,印度,澳大利亚和欧洲的部分地区都是由英国首都开发的,世界工业化运动为英国股东提供了丰富的资源。伯恩茅斯(Bournemouth)和伊斯特本(Eastbourne)等城镇如雨后春笋般地容纳了大批“舒适”的阶级,这些阶级已经退休,除了与他们分享红利和偶尔参加股东大会以指示其对公司的命令外,他们与社区的其他成员没有任何关系。管理。“股份制”是指休闲和自由,这是后来的许多维多利亚人为了实现伟大文明的*目的而使用的。“股东”本身并不了解被雇用的工人的生活,思想或需求。他所持股份的公司,以及他对资本和劳资关系的影响都不好。代表公司行事的带薪经理与员工及其要求之间有着更直接的联系,但即使他也很少了解雇主在如今逐渐消失的旧家族制下的重男轻女制下常常拥有的工人的个人知识。确实,仅仅规模的业务和所涉及的工人数量就使得这种私人关系变得不可能。幸运的是,工会的力量和组织结构的增强,至少在所有熟练行业中,使工人能够平等地会见雇用他们的公司的经理。罢工和停工的残酷纪律教会了双方尊重彼此的力量并了解公平谈判的价值。

答案 C they lacked efficiency compared with modern companies

A the separation of capitial by managers

C the limited liability compamnies were too large to run amoothly

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