

新越教育原隶属于湖南省科协科技培训中心,经过多年的发展,成立明道教育集团,明道教育是经湖南省教育局批准、五证齐全的高端全面教育培训集团,下设有新越小语种部、天天英语项目部、出国留学部、中小学生个性化辅导项目部艺术特长培训项目部、心理咨询部。 新越小语种部以优质教育资源为依托,充分整合了先进的教育理念、教育模式及现代化信息技术,集结*外语师资,开设日语、韩语、法语、德语、俄语西班牙语、意大利语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语等多语种课程、外语考证辅导、团体外语培训、翻译同传服务等全面综合性小语种培训项目,多年来培养了众多的小语种人才,增加了广*员的就业信心,创造了良好的社会效益。 Xinyue Language Training Center is an excellent language training organization filiated to Hunan Science and Technology Association. Hunan Technology Association is a bridge connecting the Provincial CPC Committee and the Hunan Provincial Government with the professional workers who are specialized in Science and Technology. It is also the main power of developing science and technology in Hunan Province. Moreover, The science training center of Hunan Technology and Science, where Xinyue Language Training Center is subordinated to, was an excellent language training center founded in 1987 approved by the Department of Human Resources of Hunan Province. Professional teachers and trainers of prestigious universities in Xinyue from both home and abroad are very experienced in teaching. And there are also foreign teachers with many years of teaching experience. Xinyue sticks to the spirit of teaching students with greatest endeavor, mean while we take the oath of Honesty, Pioneering, Creativity and Development, and develop a teaching purpose of "every student makes progress". After many years of struggling and arduous work, we have made a lot of progress. Now Xinyue has become a comprehensive education institution covering Chinese, Japanese,Frech,Korean,German,Russian,Arabic,Italian,Spanish and so on. Our services also include multi-language training, examination training, group training, translation service and overseas education. With unique teaching ideas and abundant teaching resources, Xinyue attracted a great number of students and trained enormous skillful students of minor languages. It improves not only the confidence of the students for better employment opportunity, but also greatly contributes to the society. 我们的核心价值观:学习、创新、卓越. Our essential value :learned,creative ,outstanding 我们的服务理念:热情、高效、值得信赖 . The principle of in our service :passionate ,effective ,trust worthy. 我们的宗旨:让“每一位学员学有所获”实现个人、企业、社会的和谐发展,不断创造社会价值。 Our philosophy: “every student makes progress”To improve the harmonious constantly development of the individuals companies and the whole society. 我们的目标:立志成为最专业、*质的小语种培训机构。 Our destination :we are determined to being the top language training center .





