

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00


工作名称:360战略决策中心——我的战略我决策! 工作宗旨:实践是检验真理的*标准!!! 工作范围:战略规划、决策咨询、思想发展、文化建设等。 工作内容:利用自然规律,预测事物发展趋势;通过运行结果,决策人生得失成败。 高度拓展视野,角度改变观念,尺度把握人生! ——相信自己,不断努力,你将会是*!!! 尊敬的朋友: 您好!非常高兴您能收到此信息! *之邦,*春秋诸侯的膜拜之地,先后融汇了儒、道、释、兵、农、商等名家流派及孔、孟、孙、墨、韩非、鬼谷等名家代表人物,孕育了丰厚的文化内涵与璀璨的思想精华,其先进的管理思想曾经鼎立中原,一统天下。“管理管心”的智慧理论印证了几千年的人类社会发展历程,更是现代管理哲学理论的精华结晶。其精炼的语言揭示了复杂社会现象背后的重重玄机,——简单而有效!愿这一印证了人类社会几千年的思想理论能够正确地运用在商业管理领域及其他社会领域,它的广泛应用必将给我们的生活带来翻天覆地的可喜变化。 二十年的磨难,二十年的发展,二十年的经验,二十年的沉淀!吾先后经历了农、学、兵、仕、商、工等各行各业以及管理流程中的供应、生产、营销、财务、后勤等管理的各个环节,把古典哲学与现代管理相结合,不断地研究实践、反复论证,真正地呕心沥血、鞠躬尽瘁,始窥*管理思想之一斑,并且最终锻炼成一个遵循标准化作业规范的信息化物流师,一个遵循制度化*的职业化经理人,一个遵循*化风土人情的现代化哲学研究者,面对变化莫测的市场环境,始终保持着一刻智慧的心,一颗坚强的心,一颗勇敢的心。 “真传一句话,假传万卷书!”。一句话的作用有多大?一句话,开启你的智慧之门;一句话,升华你的精彩人生;一句话,解决你的重大难关;一句话,带来你的亿万财源!一句话,很重要!一句话,千百亿心血结晶! 市场价格有起落,*见文章,人生起伏涨落处,风景谁来说道! 你想知道*的规划发展吗?让我告诉你! 你想知道市场营销的运作完善吗?让我告诉你! 你想知道人生规划的优化成长吗?让我告诉你! 让我告诉你!——出路在哪里! 让我告诉你!——目标在何方! 为了更好地与大家交流,更好地为大家服务,暂时把自己的亲身体验与感悟融汇成一个简要的条理目录,倾心奉赠给真心需要的人!——愿我的努力能真正地帮到你! 《现代管理哲学》讲义内容大略如下: 一、经营战略规划:长期,经营战略,最终目的,愿景理想;中期,经营理念,规范化,标准化,制度化,数字化;近期,经营方针,稳定全局,发展全局。 二、管理运作监控:评估——专业评定与市场估测;计划——发展规划与详细流程;执行——委婉和谐与温和推进;监督——环节监督与细节督正;控制——总体决策与协调管理。管要管的井井有条,理要理的条条有序!井然有序,鼎立天下! 三、信息数据分析:外因,国际,国内,本区域,经济政治环境;内因,人的素质,制度建设,企业文化,爱业,敬业,专业;辩证关系,外因通过内因起变化,内因变化决定一切。 四、市场战略运作:各行各业,皆有供销,价格涨落,独占鳌头! 五、营销实战技巧:(1)市场是人们交换的场所。(2)人们交换的是物资,是功能。(3)人们交换的是理念,是思想。(4)人们交换的是感觉,是知觉。(5)知觉决定成败,性格决定生死。 六、物流运转监控:大物流概念,大市场理论,行业链观点,供应链管理。 七、人力资源规划:*是*生产力,*的竞争是高端人才的竞争!是高端思想的竞争! 八、行政综合管理;后勤,人事,宣传,保障,安全,环保,质量,宣传,*,外联,档案等。 九、人生规划发展:(1)人生优化成长建议:用哲学的观点看问题!发现问题,分析问题,解决问题!(2)人生分阶段,规划有目标,执行有力度,进步使人行!(3)热情处世,冷静观人,我心止水,何起波澜?——静观,静观,观人!观己!!观自在!!!(4)若是凭风好借力,鹅毛也能上九霄;待到九霄处处看,九霄处处是鹅毛! 研究、实践、应用宗旨:横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同!——平常人,平常心,平常事! 附录一:粗略估计未来三至五年社会发展之变化趋势(语焉不详,德者酌之,从善如流,善莫大焉!) 2010年,*人民大团结万岁;经济危机全球趋势由西向东,由北向南,08年冬季最严重,未来三年逐渐减弱,至15年夏季彻底消除;整体经济形式从经济顶峰缓慢滑行;房地产市场缓慢前行,持续倔强走势;钢铁制造加工行业09年下半年略有回升,11年3月进入底谷;社会民主和谐,安定团结;军队职能转变1/4—1/3,整体实力大大提高;计算机硬件技术于09年底达到历史*水平,之后5年硕果凋零,软件技术于2013年5月达到*峰,无机物已能够象有机物一样思维;社会文化飞跃发展,各流派宣讲导师、艺术家、发明家、思想家越来越多,人们思想日益精进,对文化理念的理解与接受越来越广泛,人人有种找到“心灵知音”的感觉;科技日新月异,进展一日千里,为历史以来*水平,领先于*先进水平,对于光、电、力、热、物质、能量、生命等有着更深层次的认识;通讯行业飞跃发展,*通讯垄断东半球;全民参与*锻炼,人们普遍认识到健康的重要性;气候逐渐变暖,东部地区骤雨增多,09年冬季温度为近十年以来*,14年夏季为最热;*边区,5级以上地震频发,唯人畜伤亡不大;09年、10年、11年春季有病毒性传染病发生,11年春季最为严重,此病种主要侵害人的排毒免疫系统,春生夏长冬消亡;、、、、、等等,等等,未尽之语,有缘再续! 你觉得神奇吗?其实就像魔术一样,——拆穿了一点也不神奇!一项简单的理论,一项实用的技巧!就像看天气预报,其实你也可以做到随时掌握社会变化之发展趋势!(注:此文写于2009年06月18日,至今一字未改,正在逐步通过实践检验,让我们一起历证!) 附录二:赠管理者之战略发展规划! 乾坤循环,往来流转。念天地之玄黄,叹世事之苍茫!云行雨施,雾绽日放,精光霍霍,乃成朝纲。吸日月之精华,吞四时之时气,如日中天,渐成渐长。如烈焰,似金刚,风生水起,八方来当。江山如画,一时多少荣光。谈笑间,顷刻豪情绽放;弹指时,气吞万里飞扬。日薄日渐,遍浸雾霭,转眼间,沧海桑田几变。若永恒,心所属,如星宿,宜当值。守先天之精气,和后天之采补,清风过岗,明月照江,温润柔和,不卑不亢。宜中庸,莫冒强,若人体魄,外柔内刚。以大气风范,代代相传;以稳毅刚健,世世永安。大风起兮云飞扬,力拔山兮盖四方。壮哉,*!美矣,*! 附录三:诠释人类社会之发展规律!!!(痴人说梦) 时针、分针、秒针,精算43200年! 附录四:天道、地道、 人道、 王道、 佛道, 大道相通; 命理、物理、 生理、 伦理、 玄理, 至理圆融。 真经需要真解!能解者,——神游太虚,快活神仙!! 附录五:物我两忘!我在?物在?我非?物非? 听着就象绕口令一样,可谁知我们的人生或许也是一支绕口令而已! 郑重声明:个人能力实在有限, 并不能做到面面俱到!不当之处,敬请斧正!精华之处,敬请宣传! 地址: *.山东.淄博 决策顾问:赵学哲 电话: (086)0533-8221792 E-mail:zhanluejuece@163.com zhanluejuece@hotmail.com http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_60c3953d0100dz86.html http://hi.baidu.com/08605338221792/blog/item/a7a9a60a00ad8e2f6a60fbf7.html 特别敬注:在漫漫人生的旅途中,我们会遇到太多的凶恶险阻,请保留此条信息,或许会帮你解决重大问题,轻松度过坎坷难关!——非诚勿扰!非事勿扰! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Work title: 360 strategic decision center - - my strategy I decision-making! Work objective: The practice is verifies the truth the sole criterion!!! Operating region: Strategic plan, policy-making consultation, thought development, cultural reconstruction and so on. Work content: Using natural law, forecast things develop tendency; Through movement result, policy-making life success and failure success or failure. The development field of vision, the angle change idea, the criterion grasps the life highly! - - believes itself, diligently, you could be unceasingly first!!! Respect friend: Hello! Very happy you can receive this information! Nation of the Qi and Lu, the Chinese Spring and Autumn Period feudal lord prostrates oneself the place, blended together the Confucian, the road, to release, soldier, agriculture, business famous expert representative personages successively and so on and so on famous expert schools and hole, Meng, grandson, ink, Han Fei, clever valley, has bred the rich cultural connotation and the radiant thought essence, its advanced management concept once stood like a tripod the area south of Yellow River, monopolized. “management tube heart” the wisdom theory has verified several thousand year human society development process, is the modern management philosophy theory essence crystallization. Its fining's language has promulgated behind the complex social phenomenon layered profound and abstruse principles, - - is simple and is effective! Was willing this to verify the human society several thousand year thought theory to be able to utilize correctly in the business management domain and other social domain, its widespread application will certainly to give our life to bring the earth-shaking encouraging change. 20 year tribulation, 20 year development, 20 year experience, 20 year precipitation! I experienced the agriculture, to study, in soldier, Shi, business, labor and so on management successively and so on various trades and occupations as well as management flow supply, production, marketing, finance, rear service each links, unified the classical philosophy and the modern management, studied the practice, to prove repeatedly unceasingly, worked wholeheartedly truly, does one's best, the beginning peeped of a spot China management concepts, and exercised the informationization physical distribution teacher who finally followed the standardized work standard, followed the institution management and operation the professionalism manager, followed the Chinese local conditions and social customs the modernized philosophy researcher, facing the unpredictable market environment, was always maintaining a quarter wisdom heart,A strong heart, a brave heart. “true line a few words, false biography Wan Juanshu!”. A few words function has in a big way? To summary, opens your gate of wisdom; To summary, sublimates your splendid life; To summary, solves your significant difficulty; To summary, brings your trillion sources of wealth! To summary, is very important! To summary, a lot of hundred million painstaking care crystallization! The market price has the rise, the management and operation sees the article, the life fluctuation fluctuation place, scenery who said! You want to know the management and operation the plan development? Let me tell you! You want to know the market marketing the operation consummation? Let me tell you! You want to know the life plan the optimized growth? Let me tell you! Let me tell you! - - outlet in where! Let me tell you! - - goal in where! To with everybody exchange, well serve well for everybody, temporarily becomes aware own own experience and the feeling blends together a brief orderliness table of contents, presents the human who sincerely needs for the sincerity! - - is willing me to be able to help you truly diligently! "Modern Management Philosophy" printed lecture content greatly slightly as follows: First, business strategy plan: Long-term, the business strategy, the final goal, the prospect is ideal; Intermediate stage, management idea, standardization, standardization, institution, digitization; In the near future, the operational policy, the stable overall situation, will develop the overall situation. Second, management operation monitoring: Appraisal - - specialized evaluation and market estimation; Plan - - development project and detailed flow; The execution - - is tactfully harmonious and the temperate advancement; The surveillance - - link surveillance and the detail supervise positively; Control - - aggregate decision and coordinated management. The tube must manage in good order, the principle must manage order! Systematic, stands like a tripod the world! Third, message data analysis: External factor, international, domestic, this region, economical political context; The internal cause, human's quality, the system construction, the enterprise culture, loves industry, professional, specialized; The dialectical relations, the external factor has the change through the internal cause, the internal cause change decides all. Fourth, marketing strategy operation: The various trades and occupations, all have the supply and sales, the price fluctuate, lead the field! Fifth, marketing actual combat skill: (1) the market is the place which the people exchange. what (2) the people exchange is the commodity, is the function. what (3) the people exchange is the idea, is the thought. what (4) the people exchange is the feeling, is consciousness. (5) consciousness decision success or failure, disposition decision life and death. Sixth, physical distribution revolution monitoring: The big physical distribution concept, the leading market field theory, the profession chain viewpoint, supplies the chain management. Seventh, human resources plan: The science and technology is the first productive forces, the final competition is the high-end talented person's competition! Is the high-end thought competition! Eighth, administrative integrated management; Rear service, human affairs, propaganda, safeguard, safe, the environmental protection, the quality, the propaganda, the health, outside unites, file and so on. Ninth, life plan development: (1) the life optimization growth suggested: Looks at the question with the philosophy viewpoint! Finds the problem, the analysis question, solves the problem! (2) the life by stages, the plan has the goal, the execution has dynamics, the progress causes the person line! (3) gets along with people warmly, observes calmly the human coldly, my heart stops the water, what mighty waves? - - observes calmly, observes calmly, observes the human! Observes oneself!! Guanzizai!!! (4), if good borrows the strength depending on the wind, the goose feathers can also on the highest heaven; Treats everywhere looked to the highest heaven that highest heaven everywhere is the goose feathers! Research, practice, application objective: Regards as the range side to become the peak horizontally, the height respectively is far and near different! - - ordinary people, ordinary heart, everyday event! Appendix one: Rough estimate in the future three to change of tendency five year social development (insufficiently detailed, Germany pours it, accepts good advice readily, friendly greatest! ) in 2010, the Chinese people great solidarity long live; The economic crisis whole world tendency, from north to south, 08 year winter is from west to east most serious, three years will weaken gradually next, will eliminate thoroughly to 15 year summer; The whole economic form slides slowly from the economical crest; The real estate market slow vanguard, continues the stubborn trend; Steel and iron manufacture processing profession 09 year the second half of the year slightly has the rise, 11 year in March enters the bottom glade; The social democracy is harmonious, stability and unity; The army function transforms 1/4-1/3, the overall strength enhances greatly; The computer hardware technology achieves the historical maximum level at 09 the end of the year, afterward 5 year great accomplishment is on the wane, the software technique achieves the high point in May, 2013, the inorganic substance has been able to look like the organic matter same thought; The social culture leap development, various schools spoke that teacher, the artist, the inventor, the thinker are getting more and more, the people thought strives day by day, with accepts to the cultural idea's understanding is getting more and more widespread, everybody has planted finds “the mind intimate friend” the feeling; The science and technology changes with each new day, since the progress ten thousand li in a day, has been the history the maximum level, is in the lead in the world advanced level, regarding the light, the electricity, the strength, the heat, the material, the energy, the life and so on has the deeper level understanding; The communication profession leap development, the Chinese communication monopolizes the eastern hemisphere; All the people participate in the physical training, the people realize generally to the health importance; The climate warms up gradually, the eastern area sudden downpour increases, since 09 year winter temperature has been lowest for near ten years, 14 years summer for hottest; The southwest border area, 5 magnitude of above earthquake frequencies send, only the human and animals casualties are not big; 09 year, 10 year, 11 years spring are sick the toxic outbreak of epidemics, 11 year spring are most serious, this sickness plants mainly violates the human expulsion of toxin the immune system, spring lives Xia Changdong to wither away; , and so on, and so on, the completely languages, have not been predestined friends continue again! you think mysteriously? Actually looks like the magic to be the same, - - saw through an affair has not been mysterious! A simple theory, a practical skill! Likely looks at the weather predict that actually you may also do momentarily grasp of trend of development the social change! (note: This article writes at June 18, 2009, until now a character has not changed, through the practice examination, is letting us undergo the card together gradually! ) Appendix two: Presents as a gift strategy of development project the superintendent! Universe circulation, intercourse circulation. Reads yellow and black of the world, sighs boundlessness the humans affair! The cloud good rain executes, the fog splits the date to put, the none remaining sound of sword, becomes the court discipline. Attracts essence of the livelihood, swallows 4:00 climates, at the height of power, gradually Cheng Jianchang. If the roaring flame, resembles the Jin'gang, the wind unboiled water gets up, eight sides work as. Picturesque landscape, for a while how many honors. Chats, shortly the heroic feelings will bloom; When snaps fingers, the gas swallows ten thousand miles to fly upwards. Japan thin day after day, spreads soaks the fog, in a moment, the vicissitudes several change. If eternal, the heart is respective, if the star sleeps, is on duty suitably. Defends the congenital essence, will pick with day after tomorrow makes up, the cool breeze hillock, the bright moonlight has illuminated the river, mild gentle, neither arrogant nor servile. The suitable doctrine of the mean, not braves, if person body and spirit, outside supple in just. By the atmospheric style, is the continuation of; By steady resolute vigorous, world world Yongan. The gale has the cloud to fly upwards, the strength pulls out the mountain to cover the four directions. Strong, China! US, China! Appendix three: Annotates of law of development the human society!!! (moron talks nonsense) Hand, minute hand, second hand, calculation 43200 years! Appendix four: The sun, the tunnel, the humanity, the kingly way, Buddha said that the main road is interlinked; The fortune-telling, physics, the physiology, ethics, the profound theory, the highest good circle melts. The Daoist scripture needs the genuine solution! Can solving, - - patrol the universe, merry deity!! Appendix five: The thing I two forget! I in? Thing in? I must? Thing must? Listens to look like the tongue twister to be the same, but perhaps who knows our life is also an offset line password! Solemnly declared: Individual ability is really limited, cannot do attends to every detail! The improper act, asks respectfully to make corrections! Place of the essence, asks respectfully the propaganda! Address: China. Shandong. Zibo Policy-making consultant: Zhao Xuezhe Telephone: (086)0533-8221792 E-mail: zhanluejuece@163.com zhanluejuece@hotmail.com http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_60c3953d0100dz86.html http://hi.baidu.com/08605338221792/blog/item/a7a9a60a00ad8e2f6a60fbf7.html Special farewell present note: In the endless life's journey, we will meet too many rogue difficult, please retain this information, may help you to solve the major issue, with ease passed the rough difficulty! - - non-honest do not harass! The non-matter do not harass!






