

环亚西文”是**的教育及软件开发公司,荟萃语言界和教育界权威历时八年研发成功的高端商务英语学习应用系统。它的服务对象是扬帆商海的白领人士、出国留学移民及相关的专业人员。“环亚西文”的面世及在*数年的推广中,以其教材内容的实用性、教学形式的灵活性,教育效果的即显性,而被商界白领誉为:能迅速提高自身英语水准的“圣经”。 温州圆达培训中心自2002年至今已先后培训近5000多名学员。由于“圆达”坚持以“力创品牌、不计效益”的心态投入运作,严格遵循“环亚西文”的精髓和模式进行教育和管理,取得了不凡的业绩,成为温州高端商务英语培训的必然选择。 Canilx is an advanced commercial English learning application system, which was developed by a world-famous education and software development company who gathered the authorities on phonetics and education lasting for eight years to develop this system. It mainly serves for the white collar persons in the business field, professionals of other fields and persons who want to Study abroad or immigrant to foreign countries. With the presentation of Canilx and its spread for a couple of years in China, due to its practical teaching material, flexible teaching methods and the remarkable final results, Canilx now has been called by the white collar persons as the Bible that can rapidly improve learners’ English level. Wenzhou Yuanda Training Center is the fifth franchise education institution after Nanjing. Shanghai, Tianjin and Dalian, which were granted operating certification by Canilx China Headquarters. Since the August of 2002,our center has trained more than 5000 students. We operate our center by the following policy: Quality is Primary, Profit is Secondary which makes an attractive brand for our clients. We strictly comply with Canilx spirits and mode in teaching and management which have .brought out a better result for us. Canilx Yuanda Training Center has become the best choice for high-quality business English training in Wenzhou.





